
‘We seek first God’s Kingdom and His justice on the earth — The Jesus Way.’
— David Ruis, Vineyard Canada National Director

Welcome to the Kamloops Vineyard. As God sent his son into the world, so too Jesus sends us. As members of this city and God’s family, we are committed to practicing the Father’s love and presence in all of our interactions. To learn more about the Vineyard click here.

We gather Sunday Mornings @ 10 am.

We’re fostering meaningful connectedness with Jesus and one-another in gatherings throughout the week. Keep checking our calendar of events to stay current on information on events, times and places where we meet.

If you are new to Kamloops, new to the church, new to the faith or merely checking all of this out, we’d welcome an opportunity to connect with you more in person.

— David and Debbie Tombe, Lead Pastors

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