Following is some information concerning the organization (governance) and background of the church itself and associated links that will provide you with a more detailed exploration of the same. As follows:
- How this church is legally constituted.
- Information about the formation of the Lead Pastors, Elders and Directors.
- An introduction to fiscal administration and a link to monthly financial reports.
How this church is legally constituted.
Effective January 17, 2020, our full legal name is Kamloops Vineyard Church. KVC is the shortened version we sometimes use. Legally we are now organized as incorporated society which is registered with Canada Revenue Agency as a Charity. Currently we are registered under our current registration number 866903479 RR0001. You can access our annual charity reports online through the Government of Canada Registered Charities website by clicking on this link.
The Church’s Constitution (newly adopted, January 17, 2020)
You can find and down load our Constitution document by clicking on this link.
Effective January 17, 2020 the Kamloops Vineyard Church was incorporated and registered under the BC Society Act. Finally a reality, this affords our Directors and Members more robust protections and better equips our church to invest in our future. Click on this link to view an electronic copy of our incorporation certificate.
The formation of the church’s Lead Pastors, Elders and Directors.
The church is led by an alliance of two lead pastors, an associate pastor, a team of directors and elders (some of whom serve as directors). The current Pastors, Directors and Elders are listed below. The Lead Pastors serve as Lead Elders indefinitely (for as long as they hold the role as Lead Pastors). Directors are appointed by invitation of the Lead Pastors and Eldership Team and incumbent Directors to serve for a period of two years commencing January of each year, after which their term of service is reviewed year over year.
David and Debbie Tombe (Lead Pastors, Lead Elders, Directors)
Brent and Bonnie Bylsma (Elders)
Monte Campbell (Director)
Allan Clarkson (Elder)
Colleen DeBodt (Elder, Director)
Connie Smith (Elder, Director and Treasurer)
Fiscal Administration
Our financial year runs to 31 December each year. We hold an annual general meeting (AGM) once a year to report on the prior year activities including presenting our full financial statements and budget for the upcoming year. The AGM may be attended by anyone who considers KVCF their home church and attendance is very much encouraged. Copies of our financial statements are available at anytime on request from the church office.
Beginning Sept 2017 we began publishing a monthly Financial Summary Report summary; this report is published to the church’s website. For a link to the Financial Summary reports please click on the following link to Finance Reports.