
Worship. Prayer. @ the Lighthouse. Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm.

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 702 Columbia St, Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lighthouse and Vineyard partner for worship and prayer. Wednesday Evenings. 7 pm @ the Lighthouse Church EVERYONE is invited Psalm 46:4 — “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” We're thrilled to continue our partnership with the Lighthouse church family. IF […]

Vineyard House Church @ the Kleywegt’s in Rose Hill. Sunday Apr 27th @ 10 am.

Kleywegt's Home 1422 Rose Hill Rd, Kamloops, BC

Kamloops Vineyard House Church Sunday mornings @ 10 am We meet in various houses and venues week-to-week. We're fostering a meaningful connectedness with Jesus and one-another throughout the week and House Church gatherings on Sunday mornings. Keep checking in on our calendar of events to stay current with information on events taking place through the […]


Worship. Prayer. @ the Lighthouse. Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm.

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 702 Columbia St, Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lighthouse and Vineyard partner for worship and prayer. Wednesday Evenings. 7 pm @ the Lighthouse Church EVERYONE is invited Psalm 46:4 — “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” We're thrilled to continue our partnership with the Lighthouse church family. IF […]

Vineyard House Church and Feast Sunday (TBD). Sunday May 4th @ 10 am.

Kamloops Vineyard House Church and Feast Sunday Celebrations begin at 10 am. Please bring whatever you would like to share. We're looking forward to connecting with you all! Everyone is welcome!*' "Consider preparing a main meal, side-dish, and salad or dessert to share. What comes to mind? Run it by me if you're not certain!" […]

Worship. Prayer. @ the Lighthouse. Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm.

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 702 Columbia St, Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lighthouse and Vineyard partner for worship and prayer. Wednesday Evenings. 7 pm @ the Lighthouse Church EVERYONE is invited Psalm 46:4 — “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” We're thrilled to continue our partnership with the Lighthouse church family. IF […]

Vineyard House Church (TBD). Sunday May 11th @ 10 am.

To Be Determined Kamloops, British Columbia

Kamloops Vineyard House Church Sunday mornings @ 10 am We meet in various houses and venues week-to-week. We're fostering a meaningful connectedness with Jesus and one-another throughout the week and House Church gatherings on Sunday mornings. Keep checking in on our calendar of events to stay current with information on events taking place through the […]

Worship. Prayer. @ the Lighthouse. Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm.

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 702 Columbia St, Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lighthouse and Vineyard partner for worship and prayer. Wednesday Evenings. 7 pm @ the Lighthouse Church EVERYONE is invited Psalm 46:4 — “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” We're thrilled to continue our partnership with the Lighthouse church family. IF […]

Vineyard House Church (TBD). Sunday May 18th @ 10 am.

To Be Determined Kamloops, British Columbia

Kamloops Vineyard House Church Sunday mornings @ 10 am We meet in various houses and venues week-to-week. We're fostering a meaningful connectedness with Jesus and one-another throughout the week and House Church gatherings on Sunday mornings. Keep checking in on our calendar of events to stay current with information on events taking place through the […]

Worship. Prayer. @ the Lighthouse. Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm.

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 702 Columbia St, Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lighthouse and Vineyard partner for worship and prayer. Wednesday Evenings. 7 pm @ the Lighthouse Church EVERYONE is invited Psalm 46:4 — “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” We're thrilled to continue our partnership with the Lighthouse church family. IF […]

Vineyard House Church (TBD). Sunday May 25th @ 10 am.

To Be Determined Kamloops, British Columbia

Kamloops Vineyard House Church Sunday mornings @ 10 am We meet in various houses and venues week-to-week. We're fostering a meaningful connectedness with Jesus and one-another throughout the week and House Church gatherings on Sunday mornings. Keep checking in on our calendar of events to stay current with information on events taking place through the […]

Worship. Prayer. @ the Lighthouse. Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm.

Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 702 Columbia St, Kamloops, British Columbia

The Lighthouse and Vineyard partner for worship and prayer. Wednesday Evenings. 7 pm @ the Lighthouse Church EVERYONE is invited Psalm 46:4 — “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” We're thrilled to continue our partnership with the Lighthouse church family. IF […]

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